Title: Operate in faith not hope + our couch would really fit perfectly in this living room
Medium: Acrylic
Date: January 2025
Size: A2
Title: The Sermon Show, God is making us fit for purpose, WOW!
Medium: Acrylic
Date: December 2024
Size: A2
Title: I said 5 star, this might be 6 star. Jesus is constantly surprising everybody.
Medium: Acrylics on Paper
Date: December 2024
Medium: Acrylics on Paper
Date: December 2024
TITLE: Alexa, set a 2 minute timer called; maybe, yes, ok, maybe yeah, really - your maybe yes, ok, maybe, yeah, really timer is set.
Medium: Acrylic
Date: November 2024
Medium: Acrylic
Date: November 2024
Title: Lord I pray for this painting
Medium: Acrylic's
Date: November 2024
TITLE: HAIRDRYER / Date: January 2022 / Medium: Electrical Tape, Oil Paint, Acrylic Spray Paint
Title: Armour of God
Medium: Acrylic, Oil, Spray Paint, Canvas.
Description: Its not always required, but sometimes it is, although it could be argued that it is, in fact, always required..when I say required, its not mandatory, its not the law, its not a rule, its not an order, although perhaps it could be argued that it is all of these things...On this particular day it was essential, to prepare, to be in place, to be occupied accordingly and to embrace the consequences...It’s a ritual, a habit, a momentary event or action of becoming that occupies minutes and seconds of each day...Habits are problematic, or are they? Rituals are problematic, no, not really! Let's focus on YOU!
Title: SLIDERS vs Doxology
Medium: Oil + Spray Paint on Canvas
Follow the cutting guides and see where you land. Touch the crimson paint strokes and engage in a process of fetishised consumption, that can only be thwarted if illegal and immediate action is taken. Once again, consume the glossy surface, place your bare cheeks upon the land that colour forgot and dare to remember. Place your pinky into the blueish orbs of light and imagine they are cold to the touch, gently lapping at your forgotten limbs, dripping with crumbs of joy. This painting continues the scenario of mini-burgers / mini-islands / mini-chunks / mini-beasts / mini-caves of instantaneous colour, inviting you in and then repelling you with shouts of brokenness, limb aching pain and streams of dislocated colour that never fully reach their potential. Yellow, yellow, it all started with yellow...now it stops with gallons, no tonnes of sinew-cracked, panels of paint, clogging up your senses and awaiting the shop to close as its gone 6pm.
OIL + SPRAY PAINT - August 2021
Title: Yellow-Nosed-Lynn the debt collector
Profile: Lynn has a chequered past and will now only answer to the name of Genie.
OIL + SPRAY PAINT - August 2021
Title: Sir James Sid-Tatten-Field
Profile: Once a prominent banker now unable to stop gazing at the outside lamp post that has become a favourite spot for gazing. Now, most days are spent simply looking, waiting for this once banal, ubiquitous object to do something, to become something. This is not the only object that Sir James flirts with in terms of viewing pleasure, he also occasionally peeks at the small, intricately carved glass figurines placed casually but with some intention across the redundant fire place. Frosted with years of dust particles, Sir James imagines that this is snow. The final object of any significance that Sir James commits his attention to is a bright pink left glove, carefully positioned next to his special chair, as if the hand of a stranger awaiting a handshake that never materialises, as the anticipation is far more satisfying for Sir James than the actual moment of greeting.
OIL + SPRAY PAINT - August 2021
Title: Blue Eyed Geff the Ref
Profile: Not much to report on this little chap apart from the fact that he resides in California, lives with his three sisters and one brother-in-law, and occasionally drives a miniature tractor. B.E.G, has a strong, alpha like emotional composition and has tried, several times, unsuccessfully to start a stamp collection. Although mostly hidden to the world his current collection of Zeplin stamps is worthless, yet treasured and cleaned on a regular basis. B.E.G also owns a dog.
OIL + SPRAY PAINT - August 2021
Title: Miss Lucy Particle-Inspector
Profile: Lucy has an excellent career in the post office, and has applied her knowledge and skills for at least 30 years. There is a part of Miss Particle-Inspector that is entirely hidden from view and often absent from even herself, sometimes. This hidden part is the fact that Lucy, by day is office manager extraordinaire and by night the skip tossing, building grabbing, carpet rolling anti-superhero Super Stamper. Super Stamper has only one other nemesis, Dr Staff. Staff is like no other nemesis as they are simultaneously all powerful and slightly fragile, unable to really function, unless surrounded by small pieces of post I notes with the words W.I.P written, using black biro. Ultimately this legendary conflict between two gods of the skies, seas and land will only end one way...with a collaborative effort to increase dialogue, moving forward, the situation will only be resolved with a meeting on MS Teams, recorded of course for legal purposes.
OIL + SPRAY PAINT - August 2021
Title: Eye Brows Sally the Horse entertainer and part time florist
Profile: Sally speaks over fifteen languages, English being one of them. Sally can pivot 180 degrees without falling of her perch. Sally once caught a blind mouse, falling from a nearby log cabin. Sally has no friends and no enemies. Sally is beige. Sally is pink, only on the inside. Sally has once exclaimed that now is the ‘only’ now and that the past, however ridged, broken and miss coloured by speckles of micro-anger, is now finished. Sally has flight issues. Sally has a repaired broken nose due to attempting a world record of nose weight lifting. Sally is hard. Sally is not absent, but mostly present.
OIL + SPRAY PAINT - August 2021
Title: Blue Glasses Stranger the one-eyed wood cutting surgeon and part time social worker.
Profile: Stranger is no stranger to the truth and once stated the following fact, whilst standing near to death, leaning over a fake Rembrandt, holding a cushion, lighter and copy of FRIEZE magazine, that this world will self-destruct in 20 seconds. Subsequently, and consequently and as a matter of deep concern and litigation, the world did not self-destruct, in fact the opposite happened...it simply continued, and still does...
Title: Medical Marvel (DNR)
Medium: Oil + Spray Paint
Size: 29.7 x 42.0 cm
Report: Hold on, hold on to that distant, opaque yet slightly translucent gasp of oil paint that hardly dares to dream, yet still, definitely moves around the canvas board, weeping, angry whilst also connected, connected to every other mark, by accident of course. Raw creativity cannot be bought and sold, instead, within this piece the functioning shapes strive for celebrity status, tik-tok success and Instagram infamous (ness).
Title: DEXTER (Alien Invasion)
Medium: Oil + Spray Paint
Size: 29.7 x 42.0 cm
Report: As the paint marks traverse, scuttle and push across the canvas board, there is one lost mark that is hardly visible yet makes a massive splash on the overall kaleidoscopic array of deadpan stains. This lost mark needs no introduction and can be easily spotted dripping /gracefully in the off centre, of the canvas. Don’t be alarmed, don’t be broken, don’t be forgotten and don’t be shy, reach out and touch the object, what's the worst that can happen?
Medium: Oil + Spray Paint
Size: 29.7 x 42.0 cm
Report: The vortex of floaty, redundant, yet entirely legal, pink centre (almost centre) point within this painting will maintain your gaze far beyond reasonably expected, catapulting you into a series of star filled galaxies, only to remember that you’ve forgotten to pack your palette.
Title: Octopus
Medium: Oil + Spray Paint
Size: 29.7 x 42.0 cm
Report: Sometimes lines attack other lines, shapes form beyond conscious comprehension and red blobs form, much to the annoyance of the other less confident marks. The base colour recedes, yet simultaneously provides shelter for the marks-in-momentum. Feeling sorry for the deep blue mark on the left-hand side, a right-angled grey daub, pushed and pulled until a spiral jetty forms, to conclude the experience.
Title: Jail Cell hues
Medium: Oil + Spray Paint
Size: 29.7 x 42.0 cm
Report: Don’t be comforted by the pink fingers that connect, track and expand, thinly, as they claim the top layer of the painting. Ignore these cheeky pinky beasts and instead focus, if you will, on the red daubs, haphazardly claiming 10 points across the canvas board, as if depositing their scent, to ward of other ghastly marks, that simply don’t have the authority, stamina, power or status to claim such a sacred space. Turn up the volume, hold on to your sable hog hair, brush and joust with the stereotypically post-structuralist blend of anti-meaning, anti-absolute knowledge and distant memories of a deep hue of magenta, causing chaos.
Title: Fidget
Medium: Oil + Spray Paint
Size: 29.7 x 42.0 cm
wriggle, imagine tearing through this canvas board with a jigsaw?
squirm, imagine using a bandsaw to cut through the soft tissue of this canvas board, causing countless memories of painterly pleasure.
twitch, imagine holding this canvas board above your head, declaring it as a holy relic.
jiggle, imagine using this canvas board piece as a pillow for an entire year!
writhe, imagine building a close relationship with this canvas board image, to the point where you, consciously but with great expectation, propose marriage?
twist, imagine trying to use this canvas board to stop a vicious tribe of green ants from attacking your fairy castle?
shuffle, imagine traveling the world with this painting (on canvas board) only to accidently leave it on a train in holland, never to be seen again!
be jittery, imagine eating this canvas board?
be anxious, imagine pleading with this canvas board painting to release your one and only lover!
Title: £20,000 + CAR = WINNER
Medium: Gloop + Acrylic on Board
Title: Lottery Winner Series (5)
Medium: Gloop + Acrylic on Board
Title: Lottery Winner Series (4)
Medium: Gloop + Acrylic on Board
Title: Lottery Winner Series (3)
Medium: Gloop + Acrylic on Board
Title: Lottery Winner Series (2) / One Million Five Hundred
Medium: Spray Paint + Acrylic on Board
Title: Lottery Winner Series (1) / £125,000 / Hednesford
Medium: Spray Paint + Acrylic on Board
Medium: Acrylic / Acrylic Spray Paint
Date: November 2020.
Scale: 100cm x 100cm
Title: 4 WHITE ISLANDS (sculptural centre piece missing)
Medium: Acrylic / Acrylic Spray Paint
Date: October 2020.
Scale: 100cm x 100cm
Title: 4 WHITE ISLANDS (sculptural centre piece happily in place)
Medium: Acrylic / Acrylic Spray Paint
Date: October 2020.
Scale: 100cm x 100cm
Medium: Acrylic / Acrylic Spray Paint
Date: October 2020.
Scale: 100cm x 100cm
Installation View / Title: LITTLE RED BIPED
Medium: Acrylic / Acrylic Spray Paint
Date: October 2020.
Scale: 100cm x 100cm
Installation View / Title: Squeeze Snap Dragon to Enter / Medium: Acrylic / Acrylic Spray Paint
Date: October 2020.
Scale: 100cm x 100cm
Title: Squeeze Snap Dragon to Enter / Medium: Acrylic / Acrylic Spray Paint
Date: October 2020.
Scale: 100cm x 100cm
Self Portrait as Bobbed Hair Person Meeting Christ / Watercolour on 160gsm / May 2020
Portrait of Jason holding his own blue head whilst wearing one extraordinary shoe / Acrylic on Board / May 2020
She blinded him, temporarily, before setting him on the mantle piece for a long duration / Acrylic on Board /
May 2020
Imagine when the cats came to sink their stinky yet equally divine tentacles into your fresh, open saucepan / Acrylic on Board / May 2020
There is still hope, there is always hope until you decide that its time for a full english breakfast, and then its over / Acrylic on Board / May 2020
Biblical Scene: Victoria Street / Acrylic on Board / May 2020
Wimpy / Skimpy / Moon/ Acrylic on Board + Spray Paint / May 2020
Pinky Pinky Plato / Acrylic on Board + Spray Paint / May 2020
The tale of Tommy Mobodooy / A Bird Story/ Acrylic on Board + Spray Paint / May 2020
Biblical Scene: Booth Street/ Acrylic on Board + Spray Paint / May 2020
Biblical Scene: Mcghie Street/ Acrylic on Board + Spray Paint / May 2020
5 Superheroes / Acrylic on Board + Spray Paint / May 2020